About Amaranth Springs Farm
Amaranth Springs Farm
Your food, your future
Ecologically sustainable community shared agriculture

Ecological Agriculture

Aerial view of

Amaranth Springs' philosophy is that the functioning of natural ecological systems provides the best template for efficient and sustainable farming. Natural ecosystems have a variety of plants and animals.

We grow a broad selection of vegetables and fruits in order to mimic this naturally occurring diversity. Crop rotation is a key component. Pests have a hard time finding crops when their location is moved each year!

Our livestock participate in this rotation as well: plants provide nutrients to the livestock, and in return, healthy, natural fertilizer is added to the soil. The land is then given a rest, and then tilled prior to being used for crop production. A mix of animals mimics natural diversity and reduces disease and parasite problems. For example, our ducks, which like to eat grasses, help us keep our tree seedlings healthy, acting as our tree-nursery weed control.

Our Locale

Amaranth Springs Farm is located in Amaranth Township, Dufferin County, Ontario, Canada. Amaranth forms part of the headwaters of the Grand, the Credit and the Nottawasaga Rivers. In addition to its prime agricultural land, it is home to ecologically significant woods and wetlands.

Interesting sightings on our farm include: snowy owl (Jan 2013), great horned owl (Feb 2012), nesting bobolinks, eastern meadowlark, real red ladybugs, honey bees, fireflies by the thousands.

Our contact information is here.

About us

Deb and Chris moved to Amaranth Springs in 2010 with their 3 children. Prior to their purchase, this farm had been a certified organic producer, thus the fields were managed without the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. Amaranth Springs maintains and continues to improve the healthy ecosystem present on these 50 acres.